Study all flash cards
Parents-Make a 10x10 grid
Students-write to 100 on teh 10 x 10 grid
Count 100 small items in groups of 10 (cereal, chocolate chips, noodles)
Review all words in theme 5
Begin studying week one of theme 6
Log daily
Review all spell out words
Study the CvCe pattern using long -u : tube, cube, cute, rule, tune, June, use, mule, rude, tune
Study the CvC pattern of short u words: tub, cut, us, sub, us, run, bus, rug
Write a sentence and a question in your zebra book each day.
**With parental guidance the children could research groundhogs:
Youtube: Fun Facts About Groundhogs
Youtube: How to draw a groundhog
Predict if the groundhog will see his shadow or now. Go outside and make shadows using different things.
Write 3 facts you learned about groundhogs.
The * items are ideas for extra fun.
***We have been learning about cold weather. We were going to watch The Magic School Bus in the Arctic. This is a good video about how arctic animal keep warm. We will be doing an experiment next week about blubber.
****We have been studying adjectives. We are going to make a poster for each child in the class using adjectives to describe 1. Physical appearance and 2. Character traits
Your child can write 2 adjectives about each class member and we will compile our information on Monday. We did Ashley's on Monday so we have hers. We need
I hope you all stay well!!
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