Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

We were so happy to be back together after the hurricane and excited that our families didn't experience major damages.
 The children did very well on the Theme 1 reading test!!!!  I'm sure you are beginning to notice that their reading vocabulary is expanding and that their excitement for reading is growing.  Please praise your child, and allow them to share with you the phonics rules that we are studying.  We have covered all short vowel sounds and are able to read and write CVC words!!!  Last week we studied the CVCe pattern and have started sounding out long vowel words.  Today I introduced the rule, "when 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking and says its name" to the class.  With the expansion of their decoding abilities, fluency and comprehension will follow.  You can help you child with comprehension by asking who the main character was in the story and important details about the character.
Please continue to review the correct formation of the lowercase letters by referencing the direction sheet that was sent home.  We are working on forming complete sentences with a capital letter at the beginning and an ending mark at the end.  We will be using the words "and" and "because" in our sentences in order to give more detail and meaning.  Having your child orally answer questions in complete sentences is a great way to help them as they are learning to write complete sentences.
We will start learning the "doubles facts" in math this week.  Your child will be bringing home a box with flash cards. Please flash these each day.
The fund raiser will end on Thursday, please send all orders and payments in on Thursday.  Thank you for your participation!!

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