Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Whewww~hewww...Week 2


We are off to a great start in first grade.  Our daily routine is getting better each day.  We are focusing on independence and responsibility.  Please help your child develop routines for things at home and help them to work on independence. We are using the assignment books, please sign the bottom of the page after your child has completed all homework and you have checked over it.

In reading we are working on short a words, beginning middle and ending sounds, sequencing, cause and effect and comprehension strategies.

Short vowel a, o and i used in VC and CVC words.  The spell-out words that we are reviewing are:
a, I, the, will, to, you & and.  

Beginning, middle and ending consonant sounds, blending sounds to make words.

Writing the digits correctly, graphing, color words, number words and directional words.

Please have at least one parent attend the parent meeting on Thursday, August 23.
Session one~6:00
Session two~7:00
This is a very important meeting.

Thank you for partnering with me to help your child get off to a great start.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Welcome to First Grade

It was so nice to welcome 18 bright happy first graders to my classroom.  We are going to have a  spectacular year.  I am excited that Mrs. Amy Wade will be our part time assistant this year.  I'm looking forward to digging into our curriculum and watching these firsties grow and succeed!  August will be filled with learning about our new friends and about how to be a great friend.  We will also focus on responsibility and independence.  Pete the Cat will be watching us and he may even give us a few tips on how first grade works.

I can't wait to get to know each child and their families.  Please fill out the information sheets in the green weekly folder and return those to me ASAP.  Feel free to contact me with any concerns. 

HeRe  wE gOOOOO.